Statute of the Polish Physical Society
(this translation is unofficial, only the original, Polish content of the statute (attached below) is valid)
I. General Provisions
§ 1
The Polish Physical Society, hereinafter referred to as PPS, is a registered association operating under the applicable law on associations and having legal personality on this account.
PPS operates in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
The seat of the Main Board of PPS is the capital city of Warsaw.
PPS may join domestic foreign associations with the same or similar activity profile.
PPS uses seals and badges according to patterns established by the Main Board of PPS.
II. Objectives of the PPS
The objectives of PPS activities are:
- dissemination of physics and related sciences, raising the general level of physical knowledge in society and supporting the development of physics in Poland,
- developing ties between physicists employed in education, science and in various branches of the economy,
- representing the community of physicists in society, before state and local government bodies, as well as other public and private organizations in the country and abroad.
PPS achieves its goals in particular by:
- supporting or organizing research in the field of physics, rewarding and disseminating it,
- publishing activity in the field of physics and its applications,
- conducting, supporting and rewarding educational activities related to teaching physics at all levels,
- supporting the popularization of physics and its achievements,
- organizing and developing cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions and scientific societies.
III. PPS members
§ 8
PPS consists of ordinary members, honorary members and supporting members.
- An ordinary member may be an adult Polish citizen or a foreigner.
- The decision on admission is made by the PPS Branch Board indicated by the candidate in a written declaration of accession to PPS, containing the support of two PPS ordinary members.
- Ordinary membership ceases as a result of:
- a written declaration of resignation from membership,
- removal by the Branch Board due to arrears with the payment of contributions despite a reminder,
- sentencing by a final judgment of a common court to an additional penalty of deprivation of public rights.
- Resumption of membership by a person who has lost it on the basis of the provisions of sec. 3 item 2) takes place after paying the membership fee.
§ 10
Honorary membership is granted by the Meeting of PPS Delegates for life to a person who has made special contributions to PPS or has outstanding achievements in the field of physics or related sciences.
§ 11
- The PPS supporting member status is granted by the PPS Main Board to a natural or legal person interested in supporting PPS activities under the terms of the agreement.
- A supporting member has neither active nor passive electoral rights.
§ 12
- The PPS member's duty is to contribute to the development of PPS and actively participate in the implementation of its statutory objectives. In its activities, a PFI member is guided by its own initiative and a sense of responsibility for the development of PIF. In particular, he is obliged to comply with the provisions of the PIF Statute, regulations and resolutions of PPS bodies, professional ethics and timely payment of membership fees.
- A member of the PPS has the right to use all forms of the Society's activity, participate in them and to support its initiatives by the PIF bodies in accordance with the statutory objectives. In particular, he enjoys passive and active electoral rights, discounts on the costs of participation in conferences organized by PPS and discounts when purchasing PPS publications.
- A member who is in arrears with the payment of the fee for a period longer than a year shall suspend the rights arising from point 2; suspended entitlements are automatically reinstated upon payment of outstanding contributions.
IV. The structure of PPS bodies
§ 13
- The highest authority of PPS is the Meeting of PPS Delegates.
- The work of PPS is managed by the Main Board of PPS.
- The internal control body of PPS is the Main Audit Committee of PPS.
- The adjudicating body in cases specified in the PPS Statute is the PPS Peer Court.
- The advisory body of the PPS Main Board is the Council of the Polish Physical Society. The task of the PPS Council is to monitor the current problems of the physicists community in matters of social importance and related to the objectives of the PPS, and to prepare proposals for PPS activities and positions regarding these problems for the PPS Main Board.
§ 14
- The term of office of PPS bodies listed in § 13 sec. 2-4 lasts four years.
- The function of the PPS President may be held for only one term of office.
- The selected members of the PPS authorities take up their functions on January 1 of the year starting their term of office.
§ 15
Resolutions of PPS bodies are adopted by an absolute majority of votes with the participation of more than half of the persons entitled to vote, except for those cases where the law or this Statute provide otherwise.
V. Meeting of PPS Delegates
§ 16
- The Ordinary Meeting of PPS Delegates is convened by the PPS Main Board every two years.
- Delegates in PPS branches are selected in accordance with the principle of proportionality determined each time by the Main Board while in PPS sections one from each section.
- The Main Board of PPS informs PPS members about the date. place and agenda of the ordinary Meeting of PPS Delegates at least six weeks before the date of its holding.
§ 17
The powers of the ordinary Meeting of PPS Delegates include in particular:
- adopting the main directions of the substantive and financial activities of the PPS and the rules for managing its assets,
- considering and accepting reports on the activities of the PPS Main Board, the PPS Main Audit Committee and the PPS Peer Court,
- determining the rules for determining the amount of membership fees by the Main Board of PPS,
examining appeals against decisions, resolutions and judgments of PPS bodies and its branches.
§ 18
- The Extraordinary Meeting of PPS Delegates is convened by the PPS Main Board on its own initiative, at the request of the PPS Main Audit Committee or at the request of at least 1/5 of the PPS regular members.
- The Extraordinary Meeting of PPS Delegates is held no later than eight weeks from the date of submitting the request and discusses the matters for which it was convened. The provision of § 16 sec. 2 shall apply accordingly.
§ 19
The course of the Meeting of PPS Delegates is determined by the rules of procedure adopted by the Meeting and taking into account, in particular, the following rules:
- for the session to be valid, it is necessary for the participation of at least half of the elected delegates,
- each PPS member may participate in the Meeting of PPS Delegates in an advisory capacity,
The Meeting of PPS Delegates may appoint permanent or ad hoc committees to prepare opinions, documents and other materials on behalf of the Meeting.
VI. The Main Board of the PPS
§ 20
The Main Board of PPS in particular:
- manages the activities of PPS in accordance with the provisions of the Statute and the guidelines and resolutions of the Meeting of PPS Delegates,
- supervises the activities of PPS branches and sections,
- adopts the PPS budget and accepts the PPS balance sheet for a given calendar year,
- accepts donations and records of movables, real estates and other property rights,
- manages PPS assets, including adopting resolutions on encumbering real estate assets,
- appoints permanent and ad hoc problem committees,
- applies to the Meeting of PPS Delegates with applications for honorary membership,
- establishes awards and scholarships,
- adopts resolutions on cooperation agreements with other domestic and foreign societies and associations.
§ 21
- The PPS Main Board consists of persons performing the functions of the PPS President, PPS Secretary General, PPS Treasurer and twelve members.
- . At the request of the President-elect (President), the composition of the PPS Main Board may be extended to include the outgoing (previous) PPS President for the period until the end of the next (next) term of office, who in this case obtains the title of Honorary President of PPS for the duration of this term. The appointment of the Honorary President of PPS is approved each time by the Meeting of PPS Delegates.
- A member of the PPS Main Board cannot be a person convicted by a final judgment for an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal crime.
- The meetings of the PPS Main Board are attended in an advisory capacity by the President of the PPS-elect, the Secretary-General of the PPS-elect and the Treasurer of the PPS-elect.
- The PPS Main Board operates on the basis of the regulations adopted by the PPS Delegates' Meeting.
§ 22
- The PPS President represents the PPS and the Main Board of the PPS outside and makes declarations of intent on its behalf. He may transfer his powers once or for a definite period of time to another member of the Main Board of the PPS within the scope specified in the power of attorney.
- The Secretary General of PPS organizes the work of the PPS Main Board and supervises its office.
- The PPS Treasurer manages the financial management and signs PPS documents in economic and civil law transactions. His signature is necessary for the validity of declarations of will in matters relating to property rights and obligations, submitted by the President of the PPS or another authorized member of the PPS Main Board.
- The Main Board of PPS may assign other permanent duties to its other members.
§ 23
The President of the PPS, the Honorary President of the PPS, the Secretary General of the PPS, the Treasurer of the PPS and four executive members selected from among the members of the PPS Main Board form the Presidium of the PPS Main Board, managing the current activities of the PPS Board. The meetings of the Presidium are attended by the elect in an advisory capacity.
VII. Main Audit Committee of PPS
§ 24
- The PPS Main Audit Committee controls the Society's finances and the compliance of the activities of the PPS Main Board with the Statute.
- It approves the FTT annual balance sheet and profit and loss account.
§ 25
- The PPS Main Audit Committee consists of five members, including the chairman and the secretary.
- Members of the Audit Committee:
- may not be members of the management body or be married to it, in cohabitation, by consanguinity, affinity or by official subordination,
- may not have been convicted by a final judgment for an offense intentionally prosecuted by public indictment or a fiscal offence.
- Members of the PPS Main Audit Committee may participate in meetings of the PPS Main Board with advisory vote.
§ 26
The PPS Main Audit Committee operates on the basis of the regulations adopted by the PPS Delegates Meeting.
VIII. PPS Peer Court
§ 27
- The PPS Peer Court settles any disputes arising between PPS members in connection with their activities in the bodies of PPS and its branches or in the performance of PPS tasks.
- The PPS Peer Court also adjudicates on the liability of PPS members for violating resolutions of PPS bodies, acting to the detriment of PPS or for acts unworthy of a PPS member.
§ 28
The PPS Peer Court consists of a chairman, a secretary and five members.
§ 29
The PPS Peer Court operates on the basis of the regulations adopted by the Meeting of PPS Delegates specifying in detail the proceedings before the Court, the methods of execution of judgments and the catalog of organizational penalties for the acts specified in § 27 section 2.
IX. PPS Council
§ 30
Members of the PPS Council are appointed, one person at a time, by the PPS Main Board, individual Branches of the Society and the PPS Teaching Section. A member of the Council does not have to belong to PPS. The term of office of the Council lasts 4 years.
X. Elections
§ 31
- In March of the year in which the term of office of the PPS bodies specified in § 13 items 2-4 expires, the PPS Main Board initiates the collection of candidates for the new term of office.
- A candidate may be nominated by three PPS members after obtaining his written consent.
- The lists of those entitled to vote are established and all electoral activities are supervised or carried out by the PPS Permanent Election Commission appointed by the PPS Delegates' Meeting, consisting of a chairman and six members.
§ 32
The election regulations are adopted by the Main Board of PPS, taking into account in particular the following rules:
- electoral procedures must ensure the secrecy and directness of elections,
- it is not possible to run for the PPS Main Board, the PPS Main Audit Committee or the PPS Peer Court at the same time,
- running for PPS President, PPS Secretary General and PPS Treasurer may be combined with running for a member of the PPS Management Board. In the event of obtaining the required majority in both cases, the election for the function is considered to have been made,
- voting for individual candidates takes place on ballot papers made available to PPS members in electronic form during the voting period,
- the vote is valid if a correctly completed ballot paper is sent via electronic system to the PPS Election Commission server during the voting period
- jif, as a result of the elections, the functions of the PPS President, PPS Secretary General, PPS Treasurer or members of the PPS Management Board, the PPS Main Audit Committee and the PPS Peer Court remain vacant, the second round of elections shall be held within one month,
- the election in the first round is made by an absolute majority of votes, and in the second round by a simple majority of votes
- The first round of elections is held in May, the possible second round in June, while the final election results are determined by July 15 of the election year
- in the event of a vacancy in the bodies of the PPS, if the time remaining to the end of the term of office is longer than one year, the composition is supplemented using the results of the conducted elections or, if necessary, by conducting supplementary elections. When this time is shorter, the PPS Main Board may entrust one of its members with the performance of functions in the PPS Main Board.
XI. PPS branches
§ 33
At least fifteen ordinary PPS members interested in spreading the idea and implementing the PPS program may form a branch of the PPS.
§ 34
- The PPS branch is established on the basis of a resolution of the PPS Main Board.
- This resolution determines the area of operation of the PPS Branch, the seat of its authorities and its regulations.
§ 35
- The bodies of the PPS Branch are:
- Meeting of PPS Branch Members,
- Management Board of the PPS Branch,
- Audit Committee of the PPS Branch.
- The term of office of the PPS Branch Board and the PPS Branch Audit Committee lasts two years.
- The Regulations referred to in § 33 sec. 2 defines the detailed competences of the bodies of the PPS Branch, taking into account in particular the following rules:
- The PPS Branch Board may consist of 5-9 members,
- The Audit Committee of the Branch may consist of 3-5 members,
- the bodies of the PPS Branch have the right to supplement the composition in the event of resignation during the term of office of their member in the number of not more than 2/5 of the elected members,
- The Management Board of the PPS Branch represents the PPS Branch outside and acts on its behalf in its area, guided by the provisions of the PPS Statute and resolutions of the PPS bodies,
- The Audit Committee of the PPS Branch controls the entire activity of the PPS Branch, with particular emphasis on financial activities,
- resolutions of the bodies of the PPS Branch are passed by an absolute majority of votes with the participation of at least half of those entitled to vote, whereas for adoption of resolutions by the Meeting of Members of the PPS Branch it is necessary to participate in the first date of at least 1/5, and in the second date at least 1/10 of those entitled to voting.
§ 36
- Meeting of PPS Branch Members, in particular:
- sets the directions of substantive and financial activities of the PPS Branch.
- considers and accepts reports on the activities of the Branch Management Board of PPS and the Audit Committee of the PPS Branch,
- elects the Board and the Audit Committee of the PPS Branch; at the request of the Branch Board
- PPS elections can be carried out in the form of electronic and postal consent
with the regulations of such elections adopted by the Main Board of PPS. - elects delegates to the Meeting of PPS Delegates; provision of point 3 applies accordingly.
- The Ordinary Meeting of Branch Members is held at least once a year. The Management Board of the PPS Branch shall notify the members of the PPS Branch of the date, place and agenda no later than 7 days before the date of the meeting.
- The Extraordinary Meeting of PPS Branch Members is convened by the PPS Branch Board on its own initiative, at the request of the PPS Branch Audit Committee or a request supported by 1/5 of the members of the PPS Branch. The meeting is held no later than 3 weeks from the date of submitting the request and discusses the matters for which it was convened. The provision of sec. 2 shall apply accordingly.
§ 37
The resolution of the PPS Main Board on the liquidation of the PPS Branch requires approval by the PPS Delegates Meeting.
XII. PPS groups and sections
§ 38
- PPS members with common scientific interests or a common nature of professional work may create PPS sections or groups.
- The PPS section is established as a joint initiative of at least 30 PPS members. A joint initiative of at least 10 PPS members is required to establish a PPS group.
- Sections and groups of the PPS operate on the basis of the regulations adopted by the PPS
- Executive Board, which specify, in particular, the scope of activities and seats, competences and the method of electing their authorities.
- PPS sections or groups closed for 2 years are abolished by a resolution of the PPS Board.
XIII. Economic activity and assets of PPS
§ 39
The PPS may conduct business activity according to the general principles set out in separate regulations.
Income from business activity is used to implement the statutory objectives of the PPS.
§ 40
- PPS assets include movables , real estate , funds and all property rights .
- The Funds of the Society consist in particular of:
- proceeds from membership fees and supporting member benefits ,
- subsidies, donations, subsidies, inheritances and bequests,
- income from business activity,
- income from statutory activity,
- income from the assets of the PPS.
§ 41
PPS cannot:
- grant loans or secure liabilities with property for the benefit of PPS members or PPS employees and persons with whom members and employees are in a marriage relationship, cohabitation or in a relationship of consanguinity or affinity
- in a straight line, by consanguinity or affinity in the collateral line up to the second degree, or are related by adoption, custody or guardianship;
- transfer their property to PPS members or PPS employees and their relatives, on terms other than in relation to third parties, in particular if the transfer is free of charge or on preferential terms;
- use their assets for the benefit of PPS members or PPS employees and their relatives, on terms other than in relation to third parties, unless this use directly results from the statutory objectives of PPS;
- buy goods or services from entities in which PPS members or PPS employees and their relatives participate on terms other than in relation to third parties or at prices higher than market prices.
XIV. Final provisions
§ 42
- Amendments to the PPS Statute are passed by a 2/3 majority of votes by the PPS Delegates' Meeting.
- The draft of changes may be submitted by the Main Board of PPS, the Main Audit Committee of PPS or a group of fifty PPS members with active and passive electoral rights and communicated to all members no later than 3 months before the Meeting of Delegates.
§ 43
- The PPS is dissolved by a resolution of the Meeting of PPS Delegates at the request of the PPS Main Board or at the written request of at least 1/10 of the PPS's ordinary members in accordance with the procedure applicable to the adoption of amendments to the Statute.
- Together with the resolution on the dissolution of the PPS, the Meeting of PPS Delegates adopts a resolution on the allocation of the PPS's assets.